レニー・クラヴィッツ 写真集“Lenny Kravitz: The Formative Years, 1989–1993”発売

デヴィッド・ヒンドリーが撮影したレニーの写真集“Lenny Kravitz: The Formative Years, 1989–1993”が発売されるようです。



The volume will first be available as a collector’s signed limited edition, and later as a trade hardcover in bookstores worldwide. Readers can register at LennyKravitzbook.com to receive updates on the book, including details of the pre-order date.


Hindley was given full access to the star during his national and international tours from 1989 through 1993. He notes: “As a musician, Lenny was letting it rip. As a photographer, my charge was to do the same.”


“I was experiencing a creative birth,” says Kravitz of the era. “I had the good fortune to have that experience captured by exactly the right photographer. Without trying, David got me. Without chasing me, David caught me. I didn’t have to explain a thing. Our rapport was unexpected. Spontaneous. Magical.”


発売日や値段はまだ発表されていませんが、こちらのサイトに登録すると、アップデートの情報が送られて来るそうです。“collector’s signed limited edition”が手に入れられるのは、こちらのサイトだけのようなので、欲しい方は登録してみて下さい。おそらく、“通常版”は、後で日本のAmazonなどでも買えるようになるのではないかと思います。



All this captured in a stunning photographic study of the emergence of an international star. Lenny Kravitz on stage: London, Paris, Geneva, Milan, Los Angeles. Lenny Kravitz off-stage, jamming with new fans like Mick Jagger, rehearsing with his bandmates, relaxing with family, laughing with friends. Lenny Kravitz sculpting his style, finding his voice, forging his look - adorned and unadorned, casual and outrageous, whimsical and wild.


An up-close and highly personal documentation of the birth of one of music's exciting and enduring creative forces. A panoramic visual landscape captured by photographer David Hindley who was given full access during the legendary tours, from 1989 through 1995, marked by the thrill of discovery.


LENNY KRAVITZ: 'Photographs are silent, but these are not. David's photographs are singing, shouting, even screaming. They're filled with the visceral thrill that he and I were both feeling.'


DAVID HINDLEY: 'As a musician, Lenny was letting it rip. As a photographer, my charge was to do the same.'










こちらのエントリーに、“Looking Back On Love”のDVDがエージェントに邪魔をされて出せなかったという話を書いていますが、他のエントリーにも書いたように(どこに書いたのか今思い出せませんが)、邪魔されて出せなかったビデオなどもあるということなので、今後発売されるといいですね。 




ちなみに、デヴィッド・ヒンドリーは、“It Is Time for a Love Revolution”のジャケット写真も撮影しています。他のエントリーにも貼っていますが、Instagramのアカウントはこちらです。 







